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Exam Passed

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I passed my Cloud Practitioner exam 2 days ago using the practice exams of awsboy and aws skills builder only. Thank you! 

awsgirl2077, Philly, Ali_Issah and 2 people reacted
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I asked all the questions on this forum for the CLF-C01 and I thought they were very good and I got a good score, around 80% correct. Could you please let me know if you have any questions that are exactly the same as the ones on this forum or if they are just similar? Do you think that someone who got 80% correct in the questions of this forum can pass the official test?


Best regards.

awsgirl2077 reacted
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@luizssj no creo las preguntas son aleatorias y abarca casi 800 preguntas en el examen real sera aleatorio mas complicado pero sin duda esta pagina es muy buena

awsgirl2077 reacted
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Thrilled to share that I passed AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification Exam today! 🙂 

AWS Practice Exams section helped a great deal in exam preparations. Thank You AWSBoy!

aman123456 reacted
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I successfully passed my AWS Certified Clouds Practitioner exam yesterday. I made adequate use of the material here. Particularly the practice exams. I'm super grateful!!! 

This has set me up for the next big one. Solution Architect Associate. 

See you there.
